Dutch energy label for houses and other dwellings

For expats, migrants and/or other people for whom Dutch is not their first language, requesting the obligated energy label can be a daunting task. We can help you to request an energy label in english and provide one for you within 24 hours. 

What is the Dutch energylabel?

Since january 2015 every house owner in the Netherlands is obligated to provide an energy label when selling or renting (out) a dwelling. This energy label gives an overview of the energy usage of a building. When an energy label is not present during the exhange of a house, the previous owner will be fined up to a maximum of €405,-.

Different energy labels

There are two different energy labels, the "definitief energielabel" and the "energie-index" (respectively definitive energy label and energy-index in english). Either one of them will satisfy the Dutch energy label requirements.

Definitief energielabel
The definitief energielabel can be determined online by the house owner. A "erkend deskundige" (certified expert) will then remotely check your entered data. If he approves your data, the energy label will be sent to you via e-mail.

The definitief energielabel is determined by asking you a maximum of only ten questions about the characteristics of your house. Therefore this energy label gives a simplistic image of the energy usage of a building.

The energie-index is the extended version of the definitief energielabel. A certified inspector will measure up to 150 characteristics of your dwelling and will determine the energy label for you. The energie index is therefore far more accurate than the definitief energielabel.


Which one to choose?

Which energy label is most suited for you depends on your personal demands and situation. If your only goal is to sell or rent your house, the definitief energielabel will be sufficient and also the most economical choice starting from €9,-.

The energie-index can be seen as a tool. For example to maximize your rental income (for dwellings with a maximum rent of €710,68) or if you would like to improve the energy performance of your house you can also use it to request a sustainability loan. The energie-index can be requested from €209,-.


How do I request a Dutch energy label?

If you have a DigID and a basic understanding of the Dutch language you can request your energy label online via this site: www.energielabelvoorwoningen.nl If you do not have a DigiD, you will have to manually request your energy label. We will provide you the necessary forms in english. If you need any help during the requesting process, or if you would like to obtain an energie-index, please contact us for more information or fill in the form on this page.